Remember those felt pins I mentioned in "Crafty Beaver?" Well, I finally got around to taking a picture of them. I am pretty proud of them. I have worn the circle one a few times already. However, ever since a friend of mine told me that the fish button one looked like a Girl Scout badge, I have not been as excited about wearing it. And, honestly, I haven't worn it yet. I have never been a Girl Scout and I don't exactly want to walk around looking like I am trying to relive a past that I never even got a chance to experience. But, then again, maybe I should wear it just to show off my pride in their inclusive and open-minded policy to include ALL girls in their organization regardless of their sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, etc (unlike, their intolerant and homophobic brother organization . . . yes, you know the one I am talking about).
Felt Pins
Moving on, I finally completed my first ribbed scarf! I more-or-less followed the instructions in Debbie Stoller's Stitch 'n Bitch. However, I opted for a skein of sportweight yarn (Lion Brand Yarn Co./Wool-Ease/Turquoise 148 - an acrylic wool blend) instead of the recommended bulky kind. I also used a pair of size 8 knitting needles instead of the recommended size 10. That would explain why it took me sooooooooo long to complete this so-called "beginner's basic".
Ribbed-for-Her-Pleasure Stretchy Scarf
After I completed the project, I experimented a little with my remaining bits of yarn. Using the ever-simple garter stitch (purl, purl, purl, purling away) I coupled the turquoise sportweight yarn with a white multi worsted weight yarn made by the same company. I liked the end result; combined here as a duo alongside the scarf . . .
Turquoise Knit Scarf/Bracelet Combo
Nevertheless, I decided to play with it some more and I added a little accent to it. Using scraps of red felt and a random button from my container of random buttons I pieced together this double knit (not sure if that is the correct technical term, but I am going to use it anyway) funky flower bracelet:
Before:: Double Knit Bracelet![]()
After:: Double Knit Bracelet Plus!
And finally . . .do you hear the drum roll . . . finally, I purchased my first ever sewing machine this last weekend at That Place That Sells Sewing Machines (relocated and renamed to The Sewing Machine Place). It is a fancy-shmancy computerized Baby Lock Crafter's Choice. I hardly know how to use the darn thing, but I spent most of my weekend trying to figure it out. No worries though, I'm scheduled to participate in a 3 hour long training class in early August, and until that time I will busy myself with the manual and very simple projects like my sock dolls. As you may know, I have a whole line of Polish Punk Princesses coming out (refer to the comments section in Crafty Beaver . . . but if you dare steal my idea I will rip your eyeballs out with my brand new seam ripper and then I'll sue your ass into oblivion! Got that!).
Ahhh, breathe Chrzanka, breathe . . . Oh yes, back to the sewing machine . . .
My Baby Lock Just Cares for Me ;-)
Regardless of the fact that I can't tell the difference between a topstitch and an overlock stitch, I still managed to produce this little drawstring Polka Power Dot Pouch. The picture is deceiving it is actually much smaller than it seems here about 5 inches high and 3 inches across. All in all, the perfect size to hold my glass marble charms. Yet, another work in progress.
Polka Power Dot Pouch
But, that my friends is for another time . . .
Craft out!
My my my you are a crafty little beaver---yes, let the radical feminist in you reclaim the term "Beaver." You can be a domesticed, sewing, scarf/jewelery/dolly-making beaver.
ReplyDeleteI want to buy a dolly. Will you pimp them to me?